Natural and Safe Tips to Prevent and Relieve Redness in the Eyes

redness, natural, safe tips

Redness in the eye is a very common condition nowadays. It can be caused by environmental or lifestyle factors as well as specific eye problems. Stressing the eyes with the overuse of computer or smartphone is one example of the lifestyle related cause. Everyone nowadays is stuck with certain device and gazing at it all … Read more

Overcome Dry Mouth and Tastelessness

mouth, tounge

Dry mouth or xerostomia is a common problem, making swallowing very difficult. We eat food that we just can’t swallow, and so subsequently, people avoid eating food only. Some factors that contribute to this difficulty are nasal or sinus problems, including allergy, medications, dental problems, smoking, or head injuries, facial injuries, Alzheimer’s, and even Parkinson’s. … Read more

3 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin, Hair and Health, Natural Healing Method

benefits, skin, aloevera, amazing benefits

In Sanskrit, the aloe vera plant is called as Kumari, that is, young girl. This name probably is given because the plant looks young and fresh even after many years. According to Ayurveda, aloe vera is Vishara, Vatavara, and Rasayan. In other words, it is antitoxic, treats digestive disorders, and rejuvenates cells. In Ayurveda, aloe … Read more

Top 5 Power Tips To Re-Energies Your Brain, Recharge Your Brain

brain, memory, recharge brain, brain power

Our brain, like our muscles, also feel tired and exhausted. Yes, that’s right. Mental exhaustion is a real thing. This happens when you are facing regular stress or worries, or have been working on some difficult task constantly. Brain fatigue can be caused by things like stressful job, difficult relationship, caregiving, and even over-stimulation. If … Read more