We have all heard a saying that confidence is king. But so many people tell me, Ansari, confidence may be king, but nervousness rules my mind. Almost daily I see so many talented people lose out on opportunities that they deserve because they somehow were not confident during interview or during exams.
So many times I’ve heard students saying that they knew everything, but during exam, they couldn’t remember anything. But as soon as they came out, they could solve the entire question paper. You see, don’t do this to yourself. Your nervousness is robbing you of golden chances and all your hard work and effort goes waste. So if you want to learn how to calm your nervousness, then you are at the right place.
Let us understand what is the root cause of nervousness for majority of us.
See, most of the time we are worried by the idea that we will not get something we want. For example, before a job interview, what are we nervous about? We are nervous about the fact that if we don’t perform well, we won’t get the job we want. The same thing applies to relationships as well. We are often nervous about telling someone how we feel because we are afraid of being rejected by them. Being rejected means that we won’t get what we want.
Read, https://www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/nervousness
Apply this to any situation when you were nervous and you will see that we are nervous because we are scared of the result. So now what to do? The answer is very simple. Do it despite the fear or do it anyway. See whether you lose or go. It’s not in your hand. It never was and it will never be. All you can do is try for it and give it your best shot.
So go ahead and do what you need to do without trying to control the outcome. But the worst is that you may fail, but even that is a thousand times better than not going after what you really want. So now you have decided not to try and control the outcome, but you are still nervous while you are doing what you need to do.
So in that case, what do you do? Simple, breathe out and calm down. See, when we are stressed, have you noticed how we hold our breath? Holding our breath is a sign that we are stressed or nervous, but breathing out systematically cools the body down and calms our nervousness. So next time you are nervous before interview or before an exam or before an important presentation, just look at your breath.
Are you holding your breath? Like you were blowing a balloon. If you are, then slowly exhale and keep telling yourself that you don’t need to keep all that tension and energy in. You can let go, exhale again and again and again. Do this before any important interview or exam. And it is my guarantee that you will walk into it calmly and with a clear head.
Another tip that always works to remove your nervousness is smiling wide from ear to ear.
How will we smile when we are nervous? You see, that is it. When you are nervous, you are too tensed about something. Your body is being told that you are in some difficult situation. But when you smile, you are telling your body and mind that it is okay to relax.
So if you smile when you are nervous, you are telling your body and mind that it is okay, that there is no need to be nervous. Your smile will calm you down. And from that space of calm, you will decide what’s the best course of action for you in such a situation. You see, if you are nervous, it doesn’t mean that you are not good enough to go after what you want.
Also read, https://beinghealthyyy.com/calm-down-quickly-upset-relaxation/
It simply means that you need to work a little more for your confidence. So follow all these points thoroughly well and I can assure you that you will never feel nervous in any event or any situation. So just practice and you will be out of your nervousness.