Seeds are vital group of foods that should become vital part of your daily diet. Vegetables and fruit seeds are highly nutritious. They are rich in fibers, as well as great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also contains healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
A handful of healthy seeds will satisfy your hunger while also providing several health benefits. Adding seeds to your regular diet plan can help to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. So, today we will talk about 5 nutritious seeds, how to consume them best way.
1. Basil Seeds Basil seeds are also known as sabja, having a calming effect on the body.
These tiny seeds are loaded with nutrients. One tablespoon of basil seed will provide 50% of the reference daily intake, that is RDI, for calcium and 10% of daily recommended intake for magnesium and iron, along with 25% of daily recommended intake of fiber. Sabja seeds are really beneficial for your gut health. The pectin in basil seeds has prebiotic effect.
It helps increasing beneficial gut bacteria, including anti-inflammatory bacteria, and that supports gut health. It also aids in blood sugar control by slowing down the conversion of carbohydrate to glucose. Basil seeds are hard to chew, and therefore soak the seeds in water overnight and consume them in the morning. You can eat directly these seeds or add them with your porridge. Have at least 2 teaspoons full every day.
2. Sunflower Seeds Sunflower seed is an effective remedy for men having prostate problems, and ladies who suffer from uterus problems.
Sunflower seeds are a rich source of vitamin E and selenium, and this can help prevent chronic diseases. Having 2 teaspoons full of sunflower seeds every day will help in infertility, all uterus issues, reproductive issues, and weight loss. Sunflower seeds are also anti-inflammatory, which in turn helps to keep your heart healthy. It also helps in keeping your blood pressure and sugar level in check.
Read about Benefits of Flaxseeds on,
3. Coriander Seeds, coriander seeds help maintaining overall homeostatic level of our body.
It has anti-inflammatory property, which would help in lowering blood sugar level and blood pressure. The seed is usually used in culinary preparations. Drinking warm coriander water will help in overcoming bad breath, body odor, skin issues, detoxification of colon, and liver.
It helps in bloating and acidity also. This coriander seed water, taken in the morning, soaked overnight with little sugar, really helps in overcoming leucorrhea, white discharge problem in ladies. To have a best benefit, try this. 1 tablespoon of coriander, boil with 2-3 glasses of water, and let it cool overnight, and then strain it and drink it in the morning.
4. Fennel Seeds Fennel seeds are fiber-rich seeds.
1 tablespoon full of dried fennel seed, that is soft, which is approximately 6 grams, provides 2 grams of fibers in our body. In our body, sometimes certain bacterias, they cause lots of gases, which in turn creates food poisoning, stomach upset, and many such problems. And all these problems could be settled by taking fennel seeds regularly. These seeds help relaxing muscles in stomach and in intestine. All these things will help releasing constipation as well as acid reflux.
5. Flaxseed or Sheep Flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
1 tablespoon full of powdered flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which is essential for reducing stress, inflammation, and promoting heart health. Flaxseeds also contain high fiber and proteins. It helps to control blood pressure and prevent chronic ailments like cancer.
Have about 2 tablespoons full of flaxseed daily. To have this, make a powder in a blender, and you can add in your breakfast with porridges and other things. At lunchtime also, you can add this on salads, on vegetables, and have it. You may also make nutritious rotis by mixing the powder of flaxseed with your flour.
Read more on Nutritious on,
Seeds essentially provide the same advantage as oils, but in a far more physiologically effective manner, as oils are concentrated and they lose many nutrients in the processing. So now, whenever you feel like munching something in a day, please eat out for these healthy seeds and not any unhealthy products. And enjoy your health, energy, and vigor.